mercredi 17 juillet 2013

DSDN142 Lab 1 zentangles

These are the ten zentangles requested as homework for DSDN142:

First off, the reproductions of others work:

Frosty by Emily Perkans ( ) and Pinecone by Brad Ham ( ).

 Baton by Carol Ohl ( )

 Miander by Mimi Lempart ( ) and Auroknot - Bunzo flower by helen wiliams ( )

And now my own creations:

 Fist, The Hex, it starts with a hexagon placed in the midle of the surface, than other hexagons are randomly placed in sequence so that a single hexagon isn't in contact with more than two others. When a "branch" reaches the edge of the surface, the process is repeated from the starting hexagon once more. The result is a beehive like pattern.

Second is this zentagle, inspired by the Japanese flag and barrel riffling, it starts out as a circle to which tangant lines are attached and than every other of the obtained spaces are filed in with color.

A fairly simple concept using hatching and line-weight to differentiate several pattern sections revolving around a trinity.

These last two zentagles use similar techniques, I divided the space using curves, than filed the resulting spaces with repetitive geometric patterns.

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