jeudi 1 août 2013

DSDN 112 Project One: Biography Web Pages.

Screen shots and code for both web pages:
Professional web page:
Screen shot:


<!DOCTYPE html>


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Bio1.css" />
<title>HAMILTON Nicolas Biography</title>

 <h1> Biography </h1>


 <h2>HAMILTON Nicolas</h2>
 <h2>Media Designer</h2>

 <div style="width:100%; height:10px; background-color:black"></div>

 <img src="DSC_0020.JPG" height="300px" width="180px"></img>

 <p> In this day and age it is important to be able to communicate ones ideas efficiently and meaningfully. It is the job of a media designer to do so, and as a media designer, I take great pride and pleasure in satisfying these demands.</p>

 <p> As a media design student I spent 3 years studying at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, and 4 more years studying game art in France. I also have 9 years of overseas experience in very different places around  the pacific and south-east Asia, moreover I am fluent in three different languages, namely English, French and Japanese. I believe that this multicultural experience gives me the edge and allows me to bring a wide verity of skills  and influences to my work.</p>

 <p> If you wish to contact me you can do so <a href="">HERE</a>.</p>






     The idea for this web page was to keep it simple and minimalistic to focus the viewers attention on the text.

Personal web page:

Screenshot as normaly seen by viewer:

Screenshot with visible text:


<!DOCTYPE html>


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Bio2.css" />
<title>Biography of ghosts</title>
 <h2><em>The biography of the Ghost</em></h2>

 <p><em>Our story is that of a Ghost, and it starts HERE > <span>The</span><span>thing</span><span>with</span>


 <span>If</span><span>you</span><span>get</span><span id="distraction">distracted</span><span><span id="subtle">.</span><span>You</span><span>may</span><span>lose</span><span>them.</span>


 <span>a</span><span>place</span><span>they</span><span>call</span><span id="home">HOME.</span>



      The idea for this web page was to have the viewer play an active part to the reading of the text, for the text to be revealed, the viewer has to hover over each word with the mouse cursor. This is meant to emulate a child reading a book while folowimg the text with his finger.
      The black background was deliberately chosen to once again give life the idea of a child reading a ghost story under his bed sheets.

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